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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

To Camp Or Not To Camp.

Blaine and I have been invited to go to Nordegg with a couple of friends of ours this coming weekend to go camping. Sounds like fun right? One problem its in Bear Country.  Bears are next on my list of phobias trailing very closly behind trips to the dentist. I am a firm beleiver in facing your fears head on and dealing with them in this case I wanted a little bit of extra insurance if or when I had to face this fear. I went to Canadian tire to look at camping supplys when what to my wandering eyes should appear but a nice shiny gun display. O.K I said to myself what better insurance than a gun to scare M.r  Bear away. Why not it can't be that hard to handle a gun I've watched all the Lethal weapon Movies and Mel Gibson makes it look pretty easy. Needless to say my hopes were crushed when the condescending little punk behind the counter informed not only do I have to have a fire arms license to own a gun but I have to take a course and pass a test. He tried to sell me bear maise. I don't know if you are with me on this but the thought of standing in front of a bear saying excuse me can you stand still while I spray you in the face does not appeal to me. As for the hope that Mr Walker would protect me in the event that a bear wanders in to our campsite fat chance. I say this with love and I do mean that he  runs away screaming when he so much as hears a bee buzzing by and although he would deny it I'm pretty sure he pushed me into the path of a bee once to protect himself. I will have to seriously think about this before I commit to camping.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Wisdom Teeth.

Well the countdown is on . I have to get my wisdom teeth pulled in a few weeks. I can say with great confidence that the dentist is one of my biggest phobias I think it stems from having sharp metal objects put in my mouth. I am so freaked out about it that I had a dream the other night that my chart was mixed up and instead of having my wisdom tooth pulled they pulled out my two front teeth and I had to wear partials that looked like chicklets. I try to find humor or at least the positive side in any situation but I am struggling with this. I met the good doctor who will be putting me to sleep a few months ago when my son had the same thing done and I have to tell you the fact that he made a joke about Micheal Jackson and propofol is not making me any less anxious.By the way this is also the guy that should have said propofol can induce vomiting and chose to say this wonderful stuff seduces vomiting. I think I am justified in being just a little paranoid but you be the judge.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Dinner with the Family.

Today I had dinner at my parents. Dinner at their place is never just a simple meal ever it is an event. We usually have one of these dinners when my sister, her husband and their five kids come home for a visit. I should mention that four of the five kids are under the age of ten. Also in attendance my son Connor, two dogs one of which is in heat and a cat with some very anti- social behavior. Are you getting the picture? Despite all the chaos I always love time with my family. As I was getting ready to leave tonight Grandma and Grandpa were sitting on the floor playing Uno with three of the older kids which is kinda funny because my Dad has always reminded me a little bit of  Clint Eastwood or Red Foreman. As my niece was turning over her card I was almost waiting to hear the words go ahead make my day. I will give credit where credit is due my parents are fantastic grandparents and its an awesome site to see.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Happy Birthday Sena

Happy Birthday to the best mother-inlaw a girl could ask for. You are the definition of  patience, love and kindness. Love you.


Tonight my husband is going to Bye-More yes it is the name of an actual  town where he grew up and where most of his family is from. There is a rodeo and dance going on. By the way you should know the last time he was there a kid was sitting on a doorstep playing a Banjo. Is anyone thinking of the movie Deliverance at this point? I opted to stay home kick up my feet and watch Sex and the City after working for 9 hours today. Does that make me a bad person? I do feel a little bit of guilt as it is my mother-inlaws B-day tommorrow and they will be out there for the whole weekend. My goal for this year is to try and find balance in my life more fun less work. 

Friday, August 20, 2010

The Big Day.

All I remember is when you double dog dared me to say I Do.

The Start Of It All.

Its Hard to believe that its been fourteen years since we met.
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